It is our intention to equip our children with the fundamental skills of computing to enable them to be engaged in a rapidly changing world that is transformed by technology. Our inclusive computing curriculum ensures all children have the opportunity to make strong progress from their given starting point within the world of technology. The children are equipped with the necessary knowledge of how to keep themselves safe online and to make them responsible, confident users. The curriculum provides opportunities to develop children’s knowledge of the world around them with the resources and skills they have. It is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also develop skills necessary to be able to use information in an effect way.
Expectations are developed from use of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and the National Curriculum for KS1 alongside the Jackfield Infant School progression of skills document, ensuring that we build upon our prior learning.
Powerful Knowledge
The use of computing concepts throughout the school ensures a schema approach to build on prior knowledge and committing knowledge to the long term memory.
As a school we follow our progression of knowledge and skills document to ensure pupils develop their prior knowledge and learning. This is in line with the Teach Computing Curriculum which is a progression framework where computing content has been organised into interconnected networks.
Children will use technology as a tool to enhance learning across the curriculum.
Excellence for All
Through high quality teaching all children learn how basic technology works and how we can use it in our everyday lives. Teachers will use all available tools to ensure the teaching is pitched at the correct level and any gaps in children’s knowledge will be identified. Our curriculum is fully inclusive. Children who need extra support will be identified and additional practice and consolidation will be planned.
Wider World
Pupils learn how technology can be used in their every day lives.
They use technology to access the wider curriculum and to access opportunities beyond their own experiences, for example, links to other schools and STEM ambassadors.
Our Computing curriculum is high quality and carefully constructed to build upon prior knowledge, so children can remember and learn more. Our pupils enjoy learning about the world and develop the skills and knowledge relevant to be prepared for the digital world they will face in their everyday lives.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
• Pre and post learning quizzes based upon our knowledge organisers are used to support effective learning through recall
• Pupil discussions about their learning demonstrate what they remember
• Pupils develop a greater understanding of the digital world around them.